Why Apple Might Discontinue the Mac Pro – TMO Daily Observations 2017-02-27
Apple’s Mac Pro has gone nearly four years without an update, leave plenty of people wondering if its a dead product. John Martellaro and Bryan Chaffin join Jeff Gamet to talk about the reasons why Apple might considering discontinuing the Mac Pro, although Bryan questions if that would be a smart move.
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Jeff et al:
Why don’t you and Bryan invite John M and John K onto Apple Context Machine for a round table discussion on the pros and cons of continuing the Mac Pro. I suggest two important tools in order to make your discussion fruitful and fact based (I know, fact based discussions have lost their popularity in recent times, but I still find them enlightening):
1) Get some real numbers, if possible, on: a) estimates of Mac Pro instal base or sales; b) on the percentage (prevalence) of creative professionals ditching the Mac; c) a heat map on the halo effect by iOS vs macOS vs all other devices. This should reduce speculation and allow for thoughtful, evidence-based recommendations on continuing the Mac Pro
2) Remove the family rating for this episode. Otherwise, John K will have nothing to say.
Should be a great show.