Command & Conquer Remastered Collection Arrives June 5

Electronic Arts is releasing a Command & Conquer remastered collection on June 5. It features Tiberian Dawn and Red Alert along with their three expansion packs: Covert Ops, Counterstrike, and The Aftermath. They provide a reveal trailer on YouTube. The graphics are in a higher resolution to match modern device screens, up to 4K resolution. Some aspect of gameplay has been changed, but it’s otherwise faithful to the original games. I remember playing Red Alert and liked it, so I look forward to the remastered version It will be available for PC via Steam and Origin.

Correction: A previous version of this article stated that it would be released for PC and Mac. It will be available only for Windows.

One thought on “Command & Conquer Remastered Collection Arrives June 5

  • This is TOO BAD you GOT IT WRONG because you got my hopes up for something I’ve waited for YEARS for i.e. reboots of the original Westwood port of Command & Conquer. The Mac ONLY got Tiberium Dawn, NEVER GOT Red Alert or rest of 1st gen “Dune” engined games. The Starcraft and later C&C Generals engine etc weren’t the same – the isometric view killed it for me – let alone no editor to record your own character voices and sounds like you could on the original Westwood ports of C&C. As usual the Mac loses out on gaming, again. Boo. ⏚

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