Researchers Uncover Serious Flaws Within DRAM Chips

RAM memory stick

ETH Zurich reports that researchers from the Vrije Uni­versiteit Am­s­ter­dam and Qual­comm Tech­no­lo­gies found flaws within DRAM chips. The article I’m linking to is more of an announcement; ETH Zurich tells me the full results will be presented at IEEE in 2022.

It means that by re­peatedly ac­tiv­at­ing – or “ham­mer­ing” – a memory row (the “aggressor”), an at­tacker can in­duce bit er­rors in a neigh­bour­ing row, also called the “victim” row. That bit er­ror can then, in prin­ciple, be ex­ploited to gain ac­cess to re­stric­ted areas in­side the com­puter sys­tem – without re­ly­ing on any soft­ware vul­ner­ab­il­ity.

Check It Out: Researchers Uncover Serious Flaws Within DRAM Chips

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