Mac Developer Directory Adds MacHack & WWDC Search Feature

German company GeBE has added a couple of new features to its Mac Developer Directory for the two big upcoming developer shows, the World Wide Developer Conference (WWDC) and MacHack. The Mac Developer Directory is an online directory of Mac developers that is designed to allow companies and other potential customers to more easily find contract developers. GeBE has added the ability to include events, say WWDC 2003 or MacHack, in the search criteria when searching for a developer. From the company:

Meeting people and making business contacts is probably the second most important reason for a Mac developer to attend the Apple World Wide Developers Conference. But meeting just the right people is a challenge. The Mac Developer Directory helps by offering a simple match making service.

Match Making for WWDC

“We offered a similar service to the community last year which brought us a lot of positive feedback,” says Oliver Breidenbach, CEO of GeBE Computer & Peripherie GmbH, the host of the Mac Developer Directory, “and meeting the right people is important to many attendees.”

How to use it

The search engine at the Mac Developer Directory has been extended to include a category called “Event” which lets you find developers that have stated that they would be attending WWDC in their profiles. The search engine has also been extended to search for combinations of skills. So you can find a REALbasic developer who is attending WWDC and is looking for business, for example. Registered developers can add an item “WWDC 2003” to their profiles, expressing interest in meeting business partners at WWDC.

The service is free to developers, and the company accepts donations from those who use it. You can find more information on the Mac Developer Directory at the GeBE Web site.

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