MacHack 18 Tech Session Topics Announced

MacHack has released the technical session topics for this year’s MacHack. MacHack is a marathon developers’ conference designed to bring together loyal Mac enthusiasts and programmers throughout a 72 hour period. The hacking topics for this year range from C++ for Yoots! to Codewarrior. This year’s MacHack begins on runs from June 19th until the 21st of this year. According to MacHack:

After toiling away for months, the MacHack content committees are ready to unveil the fruits of their labors. Numerous technical sessions are ready to be revealed and more will be added as the conference draws near. Openings for speakers are still available, so don’t hesitate to check the conference Web site for details on how to participate.

The technical sessions are numerous and varied. A preliminary list includes such topics as:

  • Bash Metrowerks
  • Birds of a Feather: Contracting
  • Birds of a Feather: Selling Shareware
  • BSD Security on Mac OS X
  • C++ for Yoots!
  • Codewarrior
  • Do’s and Don’ts of Shareware
  • Everything You Wanted To Know About PDF, But Were Afraid To Ask
  • eXtreme Programming
  • Hacking the Press
  • Hacking Objective-C
  • Patching with Unsanity Application Enhancer
  • Performance Analysis
  • Porting Applications
  • PowerPlant X
  • and more…

You can find more information about MacHack at the MacHack Web site. Registration for the event is available for US$500.00. The organization has information on booking a hotel, and other related information.

The Mac Observer Spin:

MacHack and Apple’s WWDC are the two most important developer gatherings in the Mac world. MacHack is a different sort of gathering than the WWDC, but its aims are different, and we encourage developers to go to both, if at all possible.

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