Macromedia Announces Director MX For Mac OS X [Corrected]


Correction: We incorrectly reported that Director MX for Windows had been released earlier this year. In actuality, Director MX for Windows is being announced concurrently with Director MX for Mac OS X. The story has been corrected accordingly. – Editor.]

Macromedia announced today Director MX for Mac OS X, a major update to their flagship multimedia authoring environment. Available in December, this release brings long-awaited Mac OS X compatibility, new accessibility features, improved Flash integration, and an upgrade to the MX-style interface. The company says that the product is optimized for AltiVec, which Apple calls The Velocity Engine, includes support for QuickTime 6, and is a native Mac OS X app. Macromedia is also announcing Director MX for Windows 98 SE, Windows 2000, and Windows XP. From the press release:

Director MX Box ShotMacromedia, Inc. today announced Macromedia Director MX for Mac OS X. Expected to ship in December, Director MX is the most powerful multimedia authoring environment for building high-end, rich, interactive content and applications deployed on CD/DVD-ROM, kiosks, and the web via Macromedia Shockwave Player. This is the first version of Director for Appleis super-modern operating system and it takes full advantage of Mac OS Xis power and stability.

"Macromedia is entirely committed to the Mac, as all of the Macromedia MX authoring tools are built natively for Mac OS X," said Rob Burgess, chairman and CEO, Macromedia. "Director MX includes support for QuickTime 6 and is optimized to take advantage of the Macis PowerPC G4 processor with Velocity Engine. Developers are chomping at the bit to use this industry-leading multimedia authoring tool."

"Macromedia is doing terrific work for Mac OS X, and this new version of Director MX is a prime example," said Steve Jobs, Appleis CEO. "Director MX taps into Mac OS Xis advanced technologies to deliver a powerful authoring tool for multimedia developers and designers."

Macromedia Director MX is expected to ship in December. Its many new features include seamless, comprehensive integration with the Macromedia Flash MX product family, adoption of the streamlined Macromedia MX user interface, major new workflow efficiencies, and the ability to create accessible content so that rich Director presentations can be enjoyed by people with disabilities.

Mac OS X combines the power and stability of UNIX with the simplicity and elegance of the Macintosh, delivering a responsive, fast, and reliable platform. Macromedia Director MX is the latest integrated Macromedia tool to run natively on Mac OS X, joining Macromedia Flash MX, Macromedia Dreamweaver MX, Macromedia Fireworks MX, and Macromedia FreeHand 10.

Macromedia Director MX will be available in December for US$1,199. Upgrades from version 8.0 and 8.5 will be available for US$399 and educational versions are priced at US$499. For more information on Director MX, visit Macromediais Director Web site.

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