Apple Taps PC Company For "Move2Mac" Migration Software For Switchers

For Switchers moving to a Mac, one of the hassles can be how to get your settings and files from your old PC to your new Mac. brought us word of a company called Detto Technologies that has a solution for this, and it’s called Move2Mac. Move2Mac will help move your Windows settings and your files, though it only move e-mail setting and addresses, and not the e-mail itself, to a Mac so that users feel more at home. According to, Apple approached Detto about making the software after seeing their PC to PC moving software called IntelliMover. From the article.

"Apple came to us," said Frank Coyle, vice president of marketing for Detto. "They said, ‘Can you do PC to Mac?’ We said sure."

For the past year and a half, Detto has been offering similar software called IntelliMover that allows Windows-based PC owners to move their files and settings to a new Windows-based PC.

Move2Mac transfers Internet settings, files, contacts and more, Coyle said. He added that some files, like pictures and music, are automatically moved to the proper location on the Mac.

"The idea is we get you over quickly, and once we get you over, the things are in the same folder locations as they were on the PC," Coyle said.

Move2Mac comes with a USB cable to make the transfer, and the company’s Web site offers a version with a Parallel to USB version for non-USB Windows machines. The software is available for US$59, and there are several multi-license bundles for those looking to move 5 or more machines. You can find more information on Move2Mac at Detto’s Web site, and you can read the full article at

The Mac Observer Spin:

This is handy-dandy, and Apple plans to sell it at the Apple Store. There are lots of Windows using people who have no idea where settings and files are stored on their PCs, and when they see Move2Mac at an Apple Store, they will most likely be very comforted by the notion of having software handle the task of migration for them. This is a great idea, and in hindsight, we are only surprised that Apple didn’t undertake this on its own. This will help the Switch campaign immensely, and all from an indirect reassurance angle. It will also help Apple sell more Macs.

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