'05 Crowd Hits 127,800

104,427 attendees were registered for the event, including 23,401 international visitors. Those numbers compare to 97,544 in 2004, plus 22,320 international attendees.

NAB 2005 is being held at the Las Vegas Convention center between now and April 21. It is the worldis largest electronic media show covering the development, delivery and management of professional video and audio content across all mediums. More than 95,000 media professionals and 1,400 exhibiting companies from 130 countries gather to network, collaborate and learn.

Exhibitors at this yearis show include Apple Computer, Avid Technology, Inc., Matrox, NVIDIA, Canopus Corp., Sony, Motorola, Microsoft, Adobe Systems, Boris FX, Brother International, HP, and Intel Corp., to name just a few.

More than 127,000 people are attending this weekis NAB convention in Las Vegas.

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