If you’re working on research projects that require a lot of citations odds are you’re using EndNote, and if you’re also using Pages 6.2 or later on the Mac, it’s time to download the new EndNote Plug-in 3.0.

EndNote X8 is a Mac and Windows app for organizing research data for reference and citation. The new EndNote Plug-in 3.0 lets you link citations into Pages documents that automatically update when you make edits in EndNote X8.
The Pages plug-in is free, but you’ll need copy of EndNote X8 which is priced starting at US$249.95. EndNote Plug-in 3.0 is available for download at Apple’s support website.
Warning: The Apple-released Endnote 3.0 plugin for Pages 6.2 has reduced (broken) functionality. While the bibliography updates appropriately when changing output styles, the in-text citations do not. This has not yet been addressed as of 7-19-2017. Best work around is reinstalling Pages 6.1.1 and EndNote plugin 2.0.
Just in case anyone is doing this, a couple of observations. The cite while you write (CWYW) plug in is specifically for Endnote X8. If you were using Endnote X8 with pages before, you might note that it was working just fine, so the new plug in is apparently related not to Endnote but to the Pages update.
Once you update Pages in the App Store, and then attempt to insert an Endnote citation (an option still in the menu bar if you were previously using it), it will prompt you to go here https://support.apple.com/kb/DL1916?locale=en_GB and download the new plug in.
If, as I did, you already have Endnote X8 open, and once you reopen Pages, and attempt to insert an Endnote citation, it may tell you, as it did me, that you need to have an Endnote library in order to use Endnote – effectively it will not see your library.
The fix, for me anyway, was simply to close Endnote, reopen it, and Pages could then see it and all was well.