Foxconn Chairman Accuses Microsoft of ‘Bad Strategy’

Terry Gou has hit out at Microsoft, after the company launched a patent lawsuit against his firm, Foxconn. The Chairman of the iPhone assembler said that Microsoft was uprising a personal attack against him and his company (via Bloomberg News).

Sympathizing with Microsoft

In an impromptu press briefing Tuesday, Mr. Gou said: “Microsoft is falling behind in the smartphone era faced with the rise of Android so now it is adopting such a bad strategy. I really sympathize with them.”

In response, Microsoft, which claims it is using the lawsuit to enforce contractual commitments, said: “Microsoft takes its own contractual commitments seriously and we expect other companies to do the same.”

Foxconn has already been caught in the long running legal battles between Qualcomm and Apple. In 2017, Qualcomm attempted to sue manufacturers, including Foxconn, to get them to pay royalties on iPhones. Qualcomm was unsuccessful in that case.

One thought on “Foxconn Chairman Accuses Microsoft of ‘Bad Strategy’

  • At best i can say , you have become blind and make very irresponsible statement. Like below in above article. Even before below case has been tried in court ( trial begines next month) you gave verdict. Total nonsense.

    Also, your affection towards apple has make you turn your eye away from “real IP Theft” your favorite company and its pawns are doing.

    Foxconn has already been caught in the long running legal battles between Qualcomm and Apple. In 2017, Qualcomm attempted to sue manufacturers, including Foxconn, to get them to pay royalties on iPhones. Qualcomm was unsuccessful in that case.

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