iPhone Could Unlock Project Titan Automated Vehicle

Your iPhone could be the key to an Apple automated vehicle, according to a new patent application. That patent also revealed additional security elements.

Hardware Device to Unlock

The patent application, published Thursday, showed that the vehicles will search for an ultra-wideband “hardware device”. It will then use multiple transmissions between device and vehicle to determine the device’s position. If it is in certain locations relative to the car, it could trigger events such as door unlocking.

Biometrics for Security and Payments

The iPhones biometric security capabilities would also be used. AppleInsider noted that as well only giving total access to the vehicle to authorized users, many of the references to biometrics related to payments. One possibility is that this could be useful for taxi firms. I can also see it having uses for things such as paying road tolls.

Apple’s automated vehicle program is called Project Titan. It fired 200 staff in a shakeup of the project on 24th January, 2019.

One thought on “iPhone Could Unlock Project Titan Automated Vehicle

  • Buwahaaa !! Still talking about Titan? Puleeze. Poor Apple. I call it iPhone stock – as long as suckers still buy iPhones – I’m happy, but I don’t delude myself into thinking Apple can do anything else – coincidentally or not after Jobs died. Went to the OC couple weeks ago for the Amigo Guitar show – must’ve seen at least 20 Teslas on the road for the trip from Hollywood to the Fairgrounds – a really good feeling and sight to see. If you’ve ever driven one or been taken for a ride and felt the g forces; you’d never go back to slow noisy ICE cars. Sorry Apple – you missed this party by about 10 years – even the Big competition hasn’t unloaded yet from BMW.Merc,Audi,Toyota,Nissan – none of them have a car to compete with Tesla yet even starting years ago – and they can actually make cars…. Apple could’ve made an e-Bike that has all the Nav and whistles and bells of a car for metro travel – much better than those Bird and Lime Scooters we see all over the sidewalks of L.A. being used via smartphone app but nooo – nothing. 🚴‍♀️

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