Russia Says Apple Guilty of Antitrust Following Kaspersky Complaint

Russia’s Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) decided on Monday that Apple is guilty of abusing its position as apps can only be downloaded via the App Store (via ZDnet). It followed a complaint by Russian antivirus firm Kaspersky, filed back in March 2019.

Kaspersky Make App Store Antitrust Accusations

Kaspersky alleged Apple forced it to remove features from its Safe Kids app for iOS. The company believes it was told to remove features like app control and safari browser blocking to stop them competing with in-house features like Screen Time.

The FAS statement said:

Investigation showed that Apple occupies a dominant position with a 100% share in the market for distribution of mobile applications on the iOS operating system, since it is possible to install such an application legally only from the App Store.

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