Tim Cook Talks About Coming Out in First Spanish Interview

During Tim Cook’s first interview with a Spanish media outlet in the U.S. he talks about diversity and his story of coming out as gay.


Five years ago Tim Cook decided to come out to the world via a column, and says he has no regrets. Before he wrote it he announced to Apple’s board of his plans, saying that if any of them didn’t like the idea he wouldn’t do it. But none of them had a problem with it.

I said, “Look, if I want to do this, this is how I’m going to do this. This is how I want to do it, but if any of you are against this, then I’ll pull back.” I didn’t anticipate they would be, but I wanted to bring them along for the ride, and they unanimously supported it.

Mr. Cook also spoke about Apple’s efforts with immigration policy, filing a petition to support DREAMers.

When I talk to folks that are in the United States in the DACA program, what I see is a level of grit, a level of determination, a level of excitement to be in America to achieve something and to go beyond perhaps where their parents did. I see enormous dedication and [a] very diligent work ethic, which I’ve always deeply admired.

Further Reading:

[Apple Investor Expects Apple to Earn $90B This Quarter

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