Time Tracking App Release From Malus

Malus Software released today Sambucus 2.0.0, the multi-task time-management application for the Macintosh. This new version is a major rewrite of version 1, integrating many user requests.

Sambucus is a time-tracking application that is flexible and easy to use. It is aimed at freelancers, small buisnesses or anyone else who might have the need to track the time spent on various tasks and then report about it. Through a simple interface, the user can manage the time spent on different projects, each divided into one or more tasks.


  • Contact Information per project
  • Notes can now be attached to both projects ans tasks
  • "Description" field for projects, tasks and time stamps allows the user to describe the object for reporting purposes
  • Tasks can now have their own hourly rate
  • Activation files allow the user quickly start or stop time stamps by dragging files to the application or timer window
  • Complete importing / exporting feature
  • Flexible reporting module: Sambucus comes equipped with 6 basic reports but the user can customise them or create brand new ones with the XML report programming language
  • Task Sets: you can now define sets of tasks to create automatically when you create a new project

You can find more information about the Sambucus release at the Malus Software Web site. Sambucus is available for US$20.00.

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