Amazon Wants to Turn You Home into a Web Store with Dash Buttons

Amazon Dash turns your home into an online ordering toolAmazon Dash turns your home into an online ordering tool

The just launched program lets Amazon Prime subscribers pick up three of the key fob-size buttons so they can order items like laundry detergent, razor blades, and diapers without making a trip to their computer or having to pull their smartphone out of their pocket.

The Amazon Dash buttons even include an adhesive backing so you can stick them where it's easy to remember when it's time to stock up. Stick a Gillette button next to your bathroom mirror, for example, so you can order more razor blades during your morning shave.

Right now, Amazon offers Dash buttons for almost 20 different brands covering toilet paper, soft drinks, hand lotion, diapers, trash bags, energy bars, baby food, and more. To help avoid accidental duplicate orders, Amazon automatically disregards button taps for products you've ordered but haven't been delivered yet. That should help cut down on toddlers obsessively pressing the Huggies button and buying a surprise truck load of diapers.

Amazon is inviting Prime subscribers to request Dash buttons for products that are currently part of the program. The buttons are free, unlike all the stuff Amazon is hoping you'll buy once they're in your home.

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