It’s no secret I’m no fan of the tabbed interface in web browsers, and Safari on the Mac has been especially frustrating for me. That’s why favicons in macOS Mojave‘s Safari is such a welcome addition. Read on to learn how to enable the feature.

Favicons are those little icons you see in the URL field when you visit websites. They help brand a site, but also make it easier for viewers to identify when they have a lot of pages open.
Here’s how to turn on favicons for tabs in Safari on macOS Mojave:
- Launch Safari
- Go to Safar > Preferences
- Click Tabs
- Check Show website icons in tabs

If you’re like me and typically have a bucketload of pages open all the time, tabs pretty much suck because all you see are the first couple letters of each page. That makes it near impossible to tell what’s open in each Safari tab without out clicking on each one.
Favicons help because at least you get to see an identifying graphic in the form of a little icon for each page. It’s a big improvement over an endless row of tabs with a jumble of letters.
macOS Mojave will be available as a free upgrade this fall.