Apple Exec Says Users Who Want ‘Sideloading’ Move to Android

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Apple released a whitepaper [PDF] about the safety of the App Store, and the company’s head of user privacy, Erik Neuenschwander, spoke to Fast Company about it.

Without iOS, users wouldn’t have a mobile operating system platform they could choose from that is impossible to be targeted by malicious sideloading. In Apple’s view, in other words: Do you want the best privacy and security possible? Your choice is iOS. Do you want sideloading? Your choice is Android.

First, “if you want X move to Android” is a bad argument. I like Cory Doctorow’s text on the subject. Second, it’s not “sideloading” it’s downloading your software from the internet like desktop users have enjoyed for decades. Apple has smart people and I’m sure they can figure out a way to bring Gatekeeper to iOS.

Check It Out: Apple Exec Says Users Who Want ‘Sideloading’ Move to Android

7 thoughts on “Apple Exec Says Users Who Want ‘Sideloading’ Move to Android

  • ‘First, “if you want X move to Android” is a bad argument.’

    That is not a bad argument at all. You might as well object to the free enterprise system that we chose to live in.

    Android offers side loading, iOS does not. Nobody forced either to make those product feature choices. They decide that’s the best way for them to compete in a very competitive market.

    “I want an iPhone but only if it has side loading. Since it doesn’t, I’m going to ask the government to force them to offer it.”

    Replace ‘iPhone’ with ‘Accord’ and ‘side loading’ with ‘lavender exterior paint job’ to see how ridiculous the previous statement is.

  • ‘First, “if you want X move to Android” is a bad argument.’

    It is certainly not a bad argument. Android has side loading, iOS does not. That clearly shows that side loading is a product feature that, like all other product features, manufacturers can choose to offer or not.

    If I want to buy an Accord but they don’t offer the color that I want, am I entitled to write to the DoJ and ask them to force Honda to offer my desired color?

  • I agree with the precious comments. I know and have worked with plenty of people who have iPads and iPhones but don’t know much about how to use them. They and I bought them mainly for their privacy features. The government is trying to restrict our choices.

  • “Do you want the best privacy and security possible? Your choice is iOS. Do you want sideloading? Your choice is Android.”

    I agree.

    “Second, it’s not “sideloading” it’s downloading your software from the internet like desktop users have enjoyed for decades.”

    The vast majority of iOS users are not also Mac OS users who generally are more knowledgable about safety.

  • You seem to assume that Apple can make an API that allows ‘sideloading’ or installs via download without any risk. There is a major difference between impossible and ‘prevented by API controls/settings’. I do NOT want this ‘feature’ that governments are trying to force on Apple. I use IOS specifically because it is impossible for a ‘drive-by’ install to occur.

    Is it foolproof? Nope. Is it better than Android? Yep. If I wanted to sideload or access alternate app stores. I’d get Android. I specifically switched AWAY from Android to IOS and do not want to go back.

    Maybe iPadOS gets this feature (though I would prefer not), but IOS sholuld not. I want the security of no possibility of installing an app that does not come from the AppStore or via an Apple software update.

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