Microsoft says Iranian ‘Phosphorus’ Group Tried to Hack U.S. Presidential Campaign

In a blog post today Microsoft says that Iranian hackers attacked a U.S. presidential campaign, current and former U.S. government officials, journalists covering global politics and prominent Iranians living outside Iran.

Four accounts were compromised as a result of these attempts; these four accounts were not associated with the U.S. presidential campaign or current and former U.S. government officials. Microsoft has notified the customers related to these investigations and threats and has worked as requested with those whose accounts were compromised to secure them.

No word yet on what time President Trump asked Iran to interfere with our elections.

Check It Out: Microsoft says Iranian ‘Phosphorus’ Group Tried to Hack U.S. Presidential Campaign

5 thoughts on “Microsoft says Iranian ‘Phosphorus’ Group Tried to Hack U.S. Presidential Campaign

  • “No word yet on what time President Trump asked Iran to interfere with our elections.”
    Riiiight… you just keep thinking that. What does that have to do with this story again? Oh, right, nothing at all. Gotcha.

    No wonder that I too am reading less of this site more and more. I’m tired of the bias. Doesn’t anyone at the Mac Observer know how to write a simple tech story stub neutrally and without political bias? Or if that is asking too much, why don’t we see the bias run the other way for a change.

    Tech should stay tech!

    1. Hi MacHeritage (and everyone else), our linked teasers (like this one) are short-form editorials, so they aren’t supposed to be neutral. This format is for sharing news we have an opinion on, and being able to condense it to a couple of sentences. We do keep opinions out of regular news posts. Thanks for being a Mac Observer reader and respecting that others may have a different opinion than your own.

  • And to this I say, yup… I don’t read this site nearly as much as I used to for just this reason. Unfortunately the lack of thought diversity in the tech world likely puts us in a quite small minority.

  • RE “No word yet on what time President Trump asked Iran to interfere with our elections.”

    Please leave your snarky politically-biased Trump “jokes?” to the main-stream, non-computer press!

    Trump has nothing to do with this news item…..and you know it! And anyway, the odds are that Iran (like Russia) would never be doing anything to help Trump get re-elected as they certainly would rather be doing business with someone else and easier to manipulate.

    We get enough daily “propaganda” from the so-called news journalists…..that it becomes especially objectionable when a Computer Tech chimes in with his personal political biases.
    This isn’t the first time that you’ve flown your “liberal” colors. And thrown it in everyone’s face.
    (Otherwise, I like the technical aspect of your articles. It would be nice if you realized that we read you for that reason alone.)

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