To celebrate International Day of Happiness (today), YouPorn sent a survey to its users to ask them: What things make you happy? There are four lists: 10 things for everyone, 5 things for women, 5 things for men and three countries.
[File Organization Part 2: File Categories]

Things That Make Everyone Happy
- Gaming
- Friends
- Music
- Cannabis
- Fishing
- Cars
- Cute animals/pets
- Photography
- Ice Cream
- Physics
Things That Make Women Happy
- Friends
- Cute animals/pets
- Food
- Sex
- Cannabis
Things That Make Men Happy
- Gaming
- Love
- Music
- Cannabis
- Ice cream
Happy Things Divided by Country
- Canada: Friends
- United States: Music
- United Kingdom: Family
Everyone loves weed and ice cream, but what about weed-infused ice cream? Billion dollar business right there.
What makes you happy? Let us know in the comments. As for me, I’d probably say beer. And you can tell just by looking at my belly 😉
Greetings, Andrew.
As I bounce between continents, I note one thing that does not make me happy is travel; specifically air travel. I’d rather walk than to have to go through one more security check, but I digress.
As for happiness, before I relate what makes me happy, let me first define what I mean by happiness, as I’ve learnt that we often do not intend the same thing. Many refer to happiness as a mood. What I intend by happiness is a state of being, which is mood-independent. That said, here is my list of 9 things that contribute to my happiness, in no particular order:
1) Being a force for good for myself as well as to others
2) Saving a life
3) Helping someone truly in need
4) Learning
5) Sharing
6) Growing
7) Stimulating conversation
8) Music
9) Family