Apple Responds to Senator Questions About COVID-19 App

Image of U.S. senate

On April 3 we reported that several Democratic senators had sent a letter to Tim Cook, questioning the privacy and security of Apple’s COVID-19 app. Today we have Apple’s response (via Bloomberg).

COVID-19 App

Written [PDF] by Apple’s Senior Director of Government Affairs Timothy Powderly, it answers questions regarding HIPPA, data retention and processing, cybersecurity safeguards, and more regarding the company’s COVID-19 app it released.

Apple does not currently collect any information entered into the website and app by individuals. We apply the principle of data minimization to all of its consumer products and services, and our COVID-19 resources are no exception. Guided by this principle, Apple currently collects only the information necessary to support the operation of the COVID-19 website and app, such as users’ usage of the tool and app; this information does not include information entered by individuals. Apple only retains this information for so long as is necessary to support the operation of the COVID-19 website and app. Information no longer needed is deleted or rendered permanently unrecoverable in accordance with industry standards.

Apple developed the app at the request of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Further Reading

[Apple Partners With Stanford to Create Another COVID-19 App]

[UK Working With Apple and Google on COVID-19 Contact-Tracing App]

One thought on “Apple Responds to Senator Questions About COVID-19 App

  • Apple, you are walking the fine line of truth and your claim of personal privacy. Apple so far seems to be committed to giving up peoples privacy to work and satisfy government with this so called health crisis

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