Apple’s Teacher Coding Academies Created Successful Apps

Teachers that join Apple’s Teacher Coding Academies have been making a difference with the apps that they create.

Teacher Coding Academies

The educators in attendance came from diverse backgrounds, schools, and states, and they all benefited from coding experience. It helps them to better teach their students as they learn about coding, too.

In Boise, the teachers designed an app to help the police department better serve and communicate with the city’s homeless population, connecting the community to open shelter beds and food banks.

In Austin, teachers focused on Ronald McDonald House, a charity that provides housing for families whose children are receiving critical medical care. In this case, they created an app prototype to help families communicate with the charity during their stay.

And in Columbus, the educators devised an app that helps firefighters log and monitor the amount of time they were exposed to dangerous carcinogens while on the job.

apple teacher coding academies
John Duck, (left) from Communities in Schools of Central Texas, gives feedback on an app designed by 2018 Texas Teacher of the Year Tara Bordeaux (right).

Tara Bordeaux won the 2018 Texas Teacher of the Year award, and plans to use augmented reality in her classes this fall, as well as start a Girls Who Code Club.

Further Reading:

[Apple, Tennessee State University Promote Diversity in Coding]

[Apple Growing Swift Coding Education Program in Southeast Asia]

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