The Internet is flooded with instances wherein Apple Watch has helped save lives. Features such as Emergency SOS, Heart rate monitor, VO2Max, and ECG can be saviours. Now, the FDA has given the green signal to Apple Watch’s atrial fibrillation (AFib) history feature under MDDT (Medical Device Development Tool). Henceforth, medical professionals can rely on the readings for diagnosis and subsequent treatment.

Atrial fibrillation or arrhythmia is when your heartbeat is irregular and out of sync. It could cause shortness of breath, increased heart rate, or lightheadedness. In most cases, the symptoms are absent or not noticeable. Generally, doctors strap a Holter to the patient’s body for at least 24 hours. It is both uncomfortable and expensive. Apple Watch helps detect atrial fibrillation without any of these.
Apple introduced the AFib feature at the company’s 2022 keynote. And it had received an FDA approval right before it was announced. The best part is that Apple Watch has helped diagnose the condition in people with no symptoms. If not for Apple Watch, the AFib would remain undiagnosed and potentially become fatal.
As discovered by MyHealthyApple, the Apple Watch AFib is now the first digital health technology under MDDT that provides a non-invasive way to detect AFib. The MMDT is FDA’s program that certifies device use for medical purposes. Medical devices are tested across multiple parameters for accuracy and reliability. Furthermore, the Apple Watch can now be used as a before and after ablation device to monitor AFib.
A couple of years back, physicians directly refuted Apple Watch readings. With the passing of time, devices like the Apple Watch are becoming increasingly accurate. Apple Watch is extremely useful for preventive healthcare. With the FDA approval, doctors can finally reply on historic AFib diagnosis on Apple Watch.