Review: Insulated Touchscreen Gloves Provide Protection, Style and Functionality (Mujjo)

Today we're reviewing the Insulated Touchscreen Gloves from Mujjo. The gloves provide fantastic protection from the elements while still allowing users to navigate their electronics.

Today we’re going to look at the Insulated Touchscreen Gloves from Mujjo. Mujjo makes a series of stylish touchscreen gloves to help users protect their fingers and thumbs while still allowing users to have access to the technology they use.

Are these gloves worth your money? I think so. Let’s take a look at why.

Braving Winter

Before we truly dive in, let me rant for a moment. I understand that oftentimes, Ohio is typically the butt of jokes. With a persnickety government and a football team that seemingly refuses to win (sorry, Browns fans), it’s easy to say the state gets its fair share of laughs. However, there’s a lot to appreciate in this state, especially is you live in the northeast. Having a national park in your backyard is quite lovely, and I am sure more than one reader has caught my fascination with Cedar Point.

With that being said, I am not a fan of winter in Ohio. In fact, I am not a fan of winter in general.

I have problems with winter. Now, don’t get me wrong, there’s plenty to enjoy about the season, but when you live in Ohio, there’s plenty to gripe about as well. Ohio is famous for having temperamental seasons: it’s no joke to say that Ohio will go from beautiful sunny weather to a snow storm in the same week. There’s nothing worse than waking up before work only to realize you’re going to be late because a snowstorm fell while you were sleeping. It can be frustrating, to say the least.

Insulated Touchscreen Gloves from Mujjo Offers Warmth and Connectivity

With that being said, despite it just now being August, that’s no reason people shouldn’t start looking ahead to winter. Gloves can be a game changer during particularly brutish weather, which is why I was excited to review the Insulated Touchscreen Gloves from Mujjo.

The Insulated Touchscreen Gloves come in simple packaging that’s nice on the environment.

Mujjo is largely known for producing sustainable luxury leather tech accessories, and the company truly pays attention to the details. Mujjo uses high-quality materials to ensure ease of use and quality products. Generally designing products suited for the iPhone 12 and 13, the company also produces cases for Macs as well. Mujjo closely works with individual suppliers as well as tanneries to deliver a product that is of a high standard, and I would definitely say Mujjo delivers with these gloves.

Going for the Look

Trying them on, the first thing I noticed was how incredibly warm the gloves are. The package states that they are for “moderately cold” weather, but I could see me using these gloves in even the worst Ohio weather. The XL gloves fit snugly on my hand. Though, remember that Mujjo is based out of the Netherlands, so double check your measurements before ordering. Across national borders, not all hand sizes are the same.

Mujjo’s Insulated Touchscreen Gloves work excellently with touchscreens.

Of course, the gloves were not only warm, but they functioned just as expected. The Insulated Gloves feature the ability to interact with touchscreens using all four of your fingers and thumb, and the gloves work just as advertised. It did take some getting used to not using my naked hand to interact with my phone; the padding that helps insulate your fingers does take some time getting acquainted with, however, this process did not take me long. Interacting with my phone in the gloves became as easy as interacting with my phone without the gloves.

The gloves from Mujjo also provide a great grip, meaning they’re perfect for either going outside and shoveling some snow, or spending a day playing Pokémon GO in the middle of a freezing January. Whatever your needs, these gloves will likely have you covered.

The Final Word on Mujjo’s Insulated Touchscreen Gloves

In terms of looks, the gloves have great aesthetic appeal as well. Even though I don’t really care how I look when dressing for winter weather, the sleek black of the gloves would accessorize just about any winter apparel, and there are different options, including leather, for those that truly love accessorizing.

In terms of drawbacks, I’m not really seeing any. As long as you make sure to buy the right size, you should be good to go. With regular use, I could see these gloves lasting quite a long time. Of course, Mujjo also provides instructions on how to take care of your gloves. Overall, I would say they’re durable, dependable and stylish, which is a win in my book.

Whether you’re standing out in the cold waiting for the latest tech to drop, or, you’re like me and love playing Pokémon GO no matter what the weather is outside, these gloves are going to have you covered.


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