The Mac Web Today, Apple Event Speculation, with John Kheit – ACM 534

Bryan Chaffin and John Kheit take a look back at the Mac Web 20 years ago and discuss what’s different about today, including how coverage of Apple is different today. They also chew over expectations for Apple’s media event on September 15th.

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One thought on “The Mac Web Today, Apple Event Speculation, with John Kheit – ACM 534

  • Great show as always, thanks. I know the whole anti-trust thing is a big yawn, but I was hoping Bryan and John would talk about Above Avalon’s Neil Cybart’s 10th September assertion that…

    “Microsoft decided to go behind Apple’s back to secretly get U.S. lawmakers to investigate the App Store on monopolistic grounds.”

    I did find it curious that (what users’ data do you want? take anything you like) Microsoft is missing from current governmental inquiries into big tech. (In fact they’re consulting on how to go-for-the-guts.) Hurting the business models of tech companies is a cute way to pressure companies to co-operate with the sadly bipartisan -open slather user data- approach governments around the world desire. All in the name of competition or protecting users or small developers, or whatever motherhood statement sounds good this week.

    It seems inconceivable that Facebook needs to be pressured to share more, or Google for that matter, but I suspect that they and Amazon have much more “proprietary” profiling and user AI data that any government/security service would like to get its hands on. And that this data is vital and secret to these businesses, so they might not want to share.

    Slow to nil adoption of the Apple (and us Googles too) privacy first contact notifications…
    (as long as you don’t think too hard about how the data integrity of the backend data is maintained, but I digress)
    is evidence of governments’ displeasure that it isn’t the holy grail of citizen tracking they’d like it to be,
    is one of many reasons governments are after Apple’s profits…
    apart from the obvious – Apple has most of the pie, let’s tax them more, governments are always looking for more income.

    There’s many reasons governments might want to attack Apple, but Microsoft’s lack of scrutiny in the orgy of inquiries and Cybart’s assertion that Microsoft prompted the App Store investigation in particular seem like a topic worth pursuing.

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