4K Blu-ray Players, Openly Operated – TMO Daily Observations 2019-06-19

John Martellaro and Andrew Orr join host Kelly Guimont for a chat about John’s 4K Blu-ray player decisions, and the Openly Operated service.

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One thought on “4K Blu-ray Players, Openly Operated – TMO Daily Observations 2019-06-19

  • Don’t know if anybody reads these comments, but there’s one group of disc users you missed… 3D( Blu-ray). New movies keep getting made in 3D, discs keep coming out in 3D, and while my last-generation Samsung plasma holds out, you’ll have to pry the 3D experience from my cold, dead hands. Players are getting a bit hard to get a hold of, too, but hopefully there will be a vinyl-style market for those of us who prefer our movies as god screened them… 3D. (Day Of The Doctor is probably the best example of 3D ever!)

    If you’re really sad, you can 3D convert any 2D content. I watched Counterpart that way. So much nicer experience.

    Maybe when 8k takes off, distributors will relent and allow customers 4k 3D content on a disc, and you’ll have to buy new televisions all over again. And I’ll finally have an upgrade path for my television.

    Streaming is most seductive to distributors, because of course – you never get the content in your hand, ever. And they can (and do already) shut off your access to content at a whim. Imagine what games they will play if streaming takes over!

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