Safari Now Supports Wide Color Gamut 2D Graphics Using HTML Canvas

The WebKit team is out with a blog post today discussing how Safari handles color gamuts such as sRBG and Display P3.

One notable omission in wide gamut color support, until now, has been in the HTML canvas element. The 2D canvas API was introduced before wide gamut displays were common, and until now has only handled drawing and manipulating sRGB pixel values. Earlier this year, a proposal for creating canvas contexts using other color spaces was added to the HTML standard, and we’ve recently added support for this to WebKit.

WebKit Flaw Crashes Safari, Could Lead to Further Exploits

A WebKit flaw on iOS and macOS can cause Safari to crash and could lead to further malicious attacks.

The vulnerability stems from what security researchers call a type confusion bug in the WebKit implementation of AudioWorklet, an interface that allows developers to control, manipulate, render, and output audio and decrease latency. Exploiting the vulnerability gives an attacker the basic building blocks to remotely execute malicious code on affected devices.

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