New FCC Require Carriers to Authenticate Calls With STIR/SHAKEN

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai proposed new rules today that would require companies to authenticate calls with the STIR/SHAKEN protocol. This is a technology used to fight robocalls.


With the STIR/SHAKEN protocol, carriers verify that a phone call is legitimate before it reaches the recipient.

The FCC estimates that the benefits of eliminating the wasted time and nuisance caused by illegal scam robocalls will exceed $3 billion annually, and STIR/SHAKEN is an important part of realizing those cost savings. Additionally, when paired with call analytics, STIR/SHAKEN will help protect American consumers from fraudulent robocall schemes that cost Americans approximately $10 billion annually. Improved caller ID authentication will also benefit public safety by reducing spoofed robocalls that disrupt healthcare and emergency communications systems.

In 2018 Mr. Pai wanted carriers to implement it by 2019. Carriers that currently use the STIR/SHAKEN protocol include AT&T, Comcast, T-Mobile, and Verizon. However, robocalls are still a problem.

Further Reading

[T-Mobile Works With Apple on Robo-Calling Using STIR/SHAKEN</a>]

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