Apple Releases Logic Pro X 10.4.1 with Dozens of Bug Fixes

Vintage EQ in Logic Pro X 10.4

Apple released Logic Pro X 10.4.1 Thursday. The maintenance release patch notes include six bug fixes in the Mac App Store, but the full patch notes on Apple’s site—and included below in full—list more than a hundred bug fixes. Most are minor GUI and performance-related fixes.

Vintage EQ in Logic Pro X 10.4
Vintage EQ in Logic Pro X 10.4

The Logic Pro X 10.4.1 update is a 122MB download through the Mac App Store, from version 10.4.

New in Logic Pro X 10.4.1


  • Logic Pro no longer sometimes quits unexpectedly when clicking on an automation point in a project that starts before bar one.
  • Logic Pro no longer sometimes quits unexpectedly when switching Room Types in the ChromaVerb plug-in.
  • Logic Pro no longer quits unexpectedly when Auto Punch recording in Keep Mode with no metronome.
  • Logic Pro no longer rarely quits unexpectedly when loading Space Designer presets created in older versions of Logic Pro.
  • Logic Pro no longer quits unexpectedly when pressing Command–Period (.) to stop and discard an in-progress audio recording.
  • Logic Pro no longer quits unexpectedly when opening certain projects created in earlier versions.
  • Logic Pro no longer quits unexpectedly when loading certain Alchemy presets that were originally created in Chameleon 5000
  • Logic Pro no longer freezes when horizontally zooming while recording.
  • Logic Pro no longer sometimes quits unexpectedly when creating a new project on a computer that is also running Parallels.
  • Logic Pro no longer quits unexpectedly when a channel strip setting is loaded while the EXS editor is open with unsaved changes.
  • Logic Pro no longer quits unexpectedly when performing Undo after packing a folder in the Tracks area.
  • Logic Pro no longer quits unexpectedly when pressing Play after automation has been copied from one track to another.
  • Enabling Auto Voice Split and setting Humanize to a high value in the Studio Instruments no longer sometimes causes notes to hang when Cycle Pre-Processing is enabled in the Preferences.
  • Logic Pro no longer quits unexpectedly sometimes when changing presets in the Klopfgeist instrument plug-in.
  • Logic Pro no longer quits unexpectedly sometimes when using a non-US keyboard to enter certain characters into the Scripter plug-in.
  • Logic Pro no longer quits unexpectedly in certain rare cases when opening projects created in earlier versions.
  • Undoing the creation of a Track Stack or deletion of an Aux in the Mixer no longer sometimes sets all channels to No Output and disables the Audio Engine.
  • Logic Pro no longer sometimes becomes unresponsive after removing an instance of Space Designer from a project originally created in a previous version.


  • ChromaVerb no longer sometimes causes unexpected spikes in CPU usage.
  • There is no longer a delay when selecting a mixer fader in the Environment in large projects.

Smart Tempo

  • The File Tempo Editor now displays as expected when double-clicking on very long regions.
  • Moving a Downbeat Marker to the left in the File Tempo Editor no longer causes an unexpected Beat Marker and Downbeat Marker to be added to the right, throwing off the positions of other markers to the right of the edit.
  • The Split Regions command now splits selected regions at the correct position in cases where the audio files contain tempo information.
  • The “Adapt Region Tempo to Project Tempo and Align Downbeat” command now works as expected when “Flex & Follow” is not enabled.
  • Tempo analysis is now performed on multiple selected audio files.
  • The playhead in the File Tempo Editor no longer jumps to the start of the region if the region is clicked again in the Tracks area.
  • Ctrl–Option to zoom now works in the File Tempo editor.
  • The Smart Tempo mode “On + Align Bars” now accounts properly for time signature changes.
  • Zooming in the File Tempo Editor now focused around the playhead, as in other editors.
  • The focus no longer unexpectedly jumps to the beginning of the first region on the first track of a group when moving a Beat Marker in another region from the group in the File Tempo Editor.
  • Adapt Project Tempo and All Regions maintains proper sync between regions in cases where regions are placed before 1 1 1 1 in the project.
  • Adapt Project Tempo and All Regions to Region Tempo and Downbeat now works as expected in KEEP mode when it is chosen from the Action menu in the File Tempo Editor.
  • Acid loops are no longer labeled as Apple loops in the File Tempo editor.
  • The horizontal zoom slider in the File Tempo Editor now allows all possible zoom sizes.
  • The command “Adapt Project Tempo and All Regions to Downbeat” now reliably moves regions to the downbeat as expected.
  • Regions created by punching in without the Metronome, and with “Allow Quick Punch Recording” disabled no longer unexpectedly flex to the project tempo when Flex is enabled.
  • The accuracy of tempo information in bounced audio files is improved.
  • The Playhead now reliably remains visible when playback is stopped in the File Tempo Editor with Catch Playhead Position enabled.
  • Timing of Metronome in the File Tempo Editor is now consistent when starting playback at different points within the selected region.
  • File tempo analysis is improved with regions that have been trimmed.
  • Selecting and moving all regions while in Adapt mode no longer unexpectedly deletes tempo events.
  • Logic Pro now performs tempo analysis in ADAPT mode when recording multiple audio tracks.
  • Scrolling the view in the File Tempo editor to the left or right no longer causes the waveform viewer to zoom vertically.
  • Clicking on the Channel menu in an Instrument’s inspector in the Environment no longer causes the instrument channel number to decrease by one.


  • The EXP and LIN decay controls are no longer reversed in Space Designer.
  • Increasing the Size value on reversed reverbs now works as expected in Space Designer.
  • There is no longer sometimes a sudden spike in level when the ES1 LFO Amp parameter is selected.
  • The Damping Curve in ChromaVerb now immediately updates when switching Room Types.
  • Tracks that output to a bus that includes an instance of Space Designer in projects created in earlier versions of Logic Pro now properly play back in sync.
  • Opening the EXS editor in projects at sample rates higher than 44.1 kHz no longer causes an unexpected dialog asking whether the project sample rate should be changed.
  • Settings in the Pitch Shifter plug-in no longer revert to their defaults when a saved project is re-opened.
  • Space Designer again compensates for latency between the wet and dry signal.
  • The Score editor no longer flickers when reaching the end of a cycle zone when recording in linear view mode.
  • The disableAutomation: true parameter attribute for Scripter plug-ins again hides the parameter from view in Smart Controls as expected.
  • The ChromaVerb Wet/Dry mix control now behaves as expected in Dual Mono mode.
  • Plug-in windows no longer sometimes unexpectedly reduce in size when working in Controls view.


  • The Smart Controls window for Alchemy again includes the Controls tab on systems running in Japanese.
  • Modulation now responds immediately to mod wheel input or automation in cases where the knob chosen to be modulated is not assigned to a performance control.


  • The Hide/Show Automation button in the Piano Roll no longer sometimes unexpectedly activates after automation was previously hidden, causing automation key commands to stop functioning.
  • Option-rubberband to limit selection of automation points to the horizontal direction now works with Region-based automation.
  • Editors displaying automation no longer show an automation type that does not exist in the new track when switching from one track to another.
  • Alchemy automation in projects created in Logic Pro X 10.1.x and Logic Pro X 10.2.x now plays back correctly.
  • It is now possible to map any CC message type to control Dynamics of Modulation in the Studio Instruments.
  • Region-Based automation in the Score is no longer unexpectedly offset in projects that start earlier than 1 1 1 1.
  • Automation displayed in an editor no longer sometimes unexpectedly switches to a different parameter when selecting a different track and then back again.


  • In certain rare cases, transient markers in audio files no longer unexpectedly convert to Flex markers after Undo and then Redo are performed after deleting a region.
  • Regions that have been recorded by punching in, or by starting recording after playback now maintain their proper positions when Flex is enabled.
  • Swing quantize again works with audio regions.
  • Enabling Flex no longer sometimes causes Take regions that have been moved to unexpectedly shift position.
  • Manually punched-in regions are no longer sometimes tempo flexed when Flex is enabled on the track.

Key Commands

  • Certain key command assignments are no longer forgotten when Logic Pro is quit and then relaunched.
  • All Zoom key commands now work as expected in the Audio File Editor.
  • The Key command “Cycle Through Used Parameters” no longer gets stuck when reaching Main: Volume if “Project Settings > MIDI > Control Change 7/10 controls Volume/Pan of channel strips” setting is enabled.
  • The Key Command to open the plug-in assigned to the current slot now works correctly with MIDI plug-ins.
  • Key Commands affecting Region Automation now correctly take the current region selection into account instead go the Track selection.
  • The Catch Playhead key command again enables the function in the currently focused window rather than always enabling it in the Main window.

Global Tracks

  • Shift-selecting Marker, Tempo, or Signature events in their respective List editors now shows the selection in the Global Tracks.
  • Beat mapping with the “Beats from Region” option with a 1/4 note value and “Tolerate missing or additional events” selected no longer sometimes unexpectedly removes Tempo Events from the Tempo track.
  • Clicking a tempo point in the Tempo track no longer sometimes causes the following point to be selected instead.


  • The Audio File Editor now displays as expected after recording an audio track in a project in which the first track created is a Drummer track.
  • In the Audio File Editor, zooming in to the maximum horizontal size no longer causes the view to unexpectedly jump to the beginning of the file.
  • It is no longer necessary for all regions to have the same end location to add them to a Phase Locked editing group.
  • Changing the position of a MIDI note that falls within the last quarter note of a region no longer causes it to jump to the last quarter note on the grid.
  • Control– or right-clicking on a note in the Piano Roll no longer causes other selected notes to deselect.
  • Clicking in the Marquee Ruler in the Audio Track editor no longer causes the selected region to disappear from view in the editor.
  • Sysex data displayed in the Event List no longer is shown in one row after rearranging the order of columns in the editor.
  • Toggling Automation view in the Piano Roll no longer causes items in the Inspector to get progressively smaller.
  • Changes made to Sysex data in the Event List are now retained as expected when clicking outside the text field.
  • Click-dragging to edit a single Sysex byte in the Event List no longer causes the list to unexpectedly jump upward.
  • Sysex data bytes can again be edited by clicking and dragging them in the Event List.
  • The Pencil tool in the Audio File Editor again works at high zoom levels.


  • Double-clicking the peak level display of a volume fader in the Mixer no longer unexpectedly raises its value by .1 dB.
  • The size of the Mixer window no longer becomes unadjusted table in certain rare cases.

Apple Loops

  • Search now works correctly with long text strings in the Apple Loop Browser.
  • The Playhead on the waveform view in the Apple Loop Browser now plays at the correct speed when the project is set to 96 kHz.

Control Surfaces/MIDI Controllers

  • Plug-in categories now display correctly on EuCon control surfaces
  • Logic Pro now consistently picks up the proper positions of faders on the Nectar P1 control surface


  • The Kick/Snare variations in the editor for the Brush Drummers now have labels for the additional 1/2x and 2x variations.


  • Slurs inserted using a key command are again placed at the correct position.


  • Bouncing ReWire channels above 1 and 2 again works as expected.
  • Audio files exported from Logic Pro again sync properly in the MainStage Playback plug-in.


  • It is now possible to import audio files that were created using ‘bounce in place’ from Logic Pro X 10.4.


  • Logic Pro now reliably installs plug-in presets for Step FX, Phat FX, ChromaVerb and the Vintage EQ collection when installing the Essential Content.


  • Moving the first region in a project while in ADAPT mode no longer changes the project SMPTE offset time.
  • Marquee selecting a portion of a Drummer region no longer causes unexpected artifacts in the Track Editor display.
  • While downloading content, leaving a project open while creating a new project now shows the Track creation dialog as expected.
  • Collapsing the Groups inspector no longer causes the list of existing groups to disappear when the inspector is revealed again.
  • Moving the cursor quickly while dragging with Shift pressed no longer sometimes moves the Playhead unexpectedly.
  • It is again possible to reveal the Control Bar by dragging it down after it has been shown and then hidden.
  • Using Option–Plus sign (+) drag to copy a set or regions created by using the Strip Silence command no longer causes the original regions to unexpectedly shift position.
  • Performing Undo after recording into a take folder no longer sometimes brings up an unexpected “Invisible recording Track” dialog.
  • The cursor now updates as expected when hovering over the edge of a region while recording.
  • It is again possible to change the MIDI channel in the Inspector of an External MIDI track.
  • Shift-clicking the Tracks area to move the Playhead now works reliably.
  • “Show All Regions” now works properly in the Project Audio Browser with projects that contain more than 850 regions.
  • Enabling Catch in the Tracks area no longer stops playback in the File Tempo Editor.
  • The Playhead now reliably shows the correct position in the Signature List.
  • The names of a MIDI region in the Tracks area is again displayed as expected when the left edge of the region is not in the current view.
  • Clicking on the Channel menu in an Instrument’s inspector in the Environment no longer causes the instrument channel number to decrease by one.

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