Here’s what to Expect from Apple’s September 12 Media Event

Latest iPhone 8 leaks back up full screen design without a physical Home button
New report backs up full-screen iPhone 8 design

Apple TV 5

Apple TV 4 was introduced two years ago, so it’s ripe for a refresh. The new model will catch up to competing set top entertainment devices, but doesn’t seem to have any features that leapfrog over what’s already available in other products.

Apple TV coming with 4K video support
Apple TV is finally getting a refresh

4K and HDR Apple TV 5 will address what was seen as a glaring omission when Apple TV 4 was introduced in September 2015: 4K TV. Adding 4K and HDR means TVs that support those features will get higher resolution video with better color. That also assumes users have access to 4K and HDR content.

Amazon Prime Video Apple TV 5 will ship with tvOS 11. Apple says an Amazon Prime app is coming for tvOS 11, although so far Amazon hasn’t said exactly when that’s happening. With Netflix and Hulu available on Apple TV, Amazon Prime seemed like a gaping hole. That’s finally going to change once Apple and Amazon sort through whatever is keeping the app from showing up now.

AirPods 2

Based on the reference to new AirPods in iOS 11, it doesn’t look like the new version will be significantly different from the model that’s already (sometimes) available in stores. It looks like the biggest visual change is the charging case’s power indicator is on the outside instead of under the lid.

Frankly we’d be happy if the only new feature in version 2 is that you can find them in stores.

The Big iOS 11 Leak

The secret URL for the shipping version of iOS 11, or gold master, was leaked to MacRumors and 9to5Mac and it was loaded with surprises the company was no doubt planning on revealing Tuesday. Since someone intentionally gave the URL to the sites—something Daring Fireball’s sources confirmed—that means one of two things happened: Apple planned the leak, or an Apple employee went rogue and shared the link.

Apple intentionally leaking iOS 11 gold master seems far fetched at best. Hype surrounding Tuesday’s media event is already high and leaking the announcements ahead of time isn’t likely to ramp that up even more. Instead, it takes away the excitement that goes along with the surprise announcements and that doesn’t sound like Apple’s style for controlling the message.

Since the leak was intentional but not sanctioned, that opens up two possibilities for why the URL was shared. Either someone is unhappy with their job and is lashing out with a malicious act, or the vanity of holding on to secrets this big was too much of a temptation to share what they know.

Either way, it’s the kind of leak Apple didn’t want and it’s a betrayal to all of Apple’s employees. Apple no doubt already has an internal investigation underway and whoever is behind the leak is about to learn an all new definition of wrath.

5 thoughts on “Here’s what to Expect from Apple’s September 12 Media Event

  • Jeff:

    If Apple are serious about plugging those leaks, I hear that Scaramucci has some free time. ‘Mooch on the Loop’. Almost Shakespearian.

    Despite the leaks, Apple have managed to pull off some surprises of late. The iMac Pro comes to mind. But I agree, it does diminish the delight knowing what’s ahead.

    Spot on Joy of Tech.

  • Every keynote or announcement in the last few years has been greeted with disappointment. “Oh it’s good, great even but I’m disappointed they didn’t announcer X.”
    You know why?
    Every last detail is leaked beforehand so there’s no surprises.
    Additional imaginary things are “leaked” and people can’t tell the real from the fake.

    I really wish Apple could control the leaks.
    I really hope Apple finds whoever leaked the big dump over the weekend, and nails their @$$ as hard as the law allows.
    I miss the old days when we’d be surprised and delighted at an Apple event.

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