IKEA’s Place ARKit App Hits the App Store

IKEA Place ARKit app for iOS 11
IKEA Place uses augmented reality to show furniture in your space

IKEA was named as one of the first companies to get on board with iOS 11’s ARKit, and now their app is available on the App Store. The app, Places, uses augmented reality to let you see how IKEA furniture looks in your place before buying anything.

IKEA Place ARKit app for iOS 11
IKEA Place uses augmented reality to show furniture in your space

Once you scan your space the Place app lets you put IKEA products anywhere you want at actual size so you see how they look and fit.

ARKit is Apple’s augmented reality platform in iOS 11. Your iPhone or iPad become the view port into virtual creations where computer generated content overlays on what you’re seeing in the real world.

Place is a cool way to show off ARKit, and if you’re like me it’s a great way to save yourself a 45 minute drive to IKEA. Place is free and you’ll need an iPhone 6s or newer, iPhone SE, or an iPad Pro to use the app.

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