The Future Was Posted to Twitter Last Friday

Check out this amazing demo video from developer Harley Turan. He posted it to Twitter on Friday, just a few days after Apple’s WWDC keynote. In it, he attached live data to a real-world object using ARKit 2 and iOS 12, and then moves them around. It’s like an ordinary commercial using thousands of dollars in post-production software, only it’s life. Put another way, it’s the future, posted to Twitter a few days ago. When people doubt the real-world value of augmented reality, this is the sort of thing I think about. Not games, as great I expect Harry Potter: Wizards Unite to be, but rather information attached to real world locations and objects. Especially once we get past this stone-age era of holding our iPhones in front of our faces to get our augmented reality. Oh, and remember that this was after just a couple of days with hands-on iOS 12 and ARKit 2.

WWDC 2018, Travel Tips, and Cool Stuff Found – Mac Geek Gab 712

Dave’s in San Jose covering WWDC, and he and John talk through all of today’s announcements and what they mean to you! Then it’s on to sharing some Cool Stuff Found, including a few travel-related items that Dave found on his journeys this week. Lastly, some of your questions are answered. All of this and more when you press play and enjoy.