Apple gets that we’re always looking for ways to make the routine things we do on our Macs easier and some of the subtle changes in macOS Sierra really show that off. The Sound menu bar item is a perfect example because now switching audio input and output sources is even simpler.
Safari 10: Hide Flash from Every Website Except Some
Safari 10 allows you to have Flash installed, but to control which sites know it (or access it). For many users, this would be the best compromise between having flash and not installing it all. Bryan Chaffin shows you how to do it.
Use 3D Touch in LINE to Read Messages without a Read Receipt
The LINE Corporation has done something very useful with 3D Touch, and I thought I’d tell you about it. When you’re looking at your Chats view, you can view recent chats, as shown below, without sending a read receipt. Bryan Chaffin shows you how.
How to Make macOS Sierra Empty Your Mac's Trash for You
macOS Sierra is loaded with cool new features, but sometimes it’s the little things that make your life easier, like not needing to remember to empty your Mac’s trash. You can set the Trash to auto-delete after 30 days, and it’s easy to do. Read on to learn how.
iOS 10: Managing Siri's Third Party App Voice Control
iOS 10 opens Siri to third party apps so you can say things like, “Hey Siri, get me an Uber.” If you don’t want Siri calling rides for you—or Siri says it can’t—it’s time for a trip to your iPhone’s Settings to manage which apps Siri can control. Read on to learn how.
iOS 10: Save a File as PDF to iBooks
In iOS 10, you can now Print to PDF, just as we’ve been doing with OS X/macOS. But there’s also another nice trick in the Sharing option. “Save PDF to iBooks.” It’s simple and fast. John likes this feature a lot.
How Do You Export Multiple Albums in macOS Sierra Photos?
You can export multiple albums in one fell swoop in Photos in macOS Sierra (this may work in previous versions). Dave Hamilton and John F. Braun explained how in Mac Geek Gab 623, and this is what you do.
iOS 10: Print to PDF With and Without 3D Touch
One of the new features in iOS is the ability to natively print to PDF, similar to what you can do with macOS. It’s relatively simple, but not necessarily obvious. It involves getting the print preview up on the screen, and then switching to share mode in order to generate a PDF. We’ll show you the steps!
How to Set Up Universal Clipboard for Your Mac and iOS Devices
iOS 10 and macOS Sierra support a new feature called Universal Clipboard that lets you copy text or graphics on one device and paste them into documents on another. It really is as simple as copy-and-paste—assuming everything is configured correctly. Read on to learn how to make sure you’re set up to use Universal Clipboard.
watchOS 3: Mickey and Minnie Mouse Can Now Speak the Time
One of the coolest Apple Watch faces has been Mickey Mouse, tapping his foot in time with the seconds. Now, watchOS 3 adds Minnie to the fun. Plus they can each speak the time out loud with a tap. John shows you how.
Can't Remotely Control Your HomeKit Devices? Enable iCloud Two-Factor Authentication
If you upgraded to iOS 10 on your iPhone or iPad, and tvOS 10 on your fourth generation Apple TV and now can’t remotely access your HomeKit devices, there’s probably an easy fix for that. Odds are you haven’t enabled iCloud Two-Factor authentication, which HomeKit in iOS 10 and tvOS 10 requires. Read on to learn how to get set up.
iOS 10: How to Disable (Some) Haptic Feedback on iPhone 7
iPhone 7 includes more haptic feedback than previous iPhones, including vibrations for buttons and wheels. You can turn some of these vibrations off. Bryan Chaffin shows you how.
Install Secure XFINITY WiFi Profile On Your New iPhone
Comcast provides free Wi-Fi for many its customers where available. Like most free wi-fi, though, it’s unencrypted. Wanting to allow their users to have secure connections, Comcast now offers a WPA-secured “XFINITY” network in many places. To connect you either need to know the password – something Comcast won’t tell you – or you need to install a profile on your iPhone that has the password baked in. We’ll show you how to do the latter!
Use a Password Manager to Store Your Driver's License and Passport
Storing your driver’s license or passport information on your computer in a text file or as a photograph may be convenient, but it also makes it easier for anyone with access to your hard drive—including hackers—to steal your identity. Modern password managers, like 1Password and LastPass, solve that problem by encrypting your sensitive data and keeping it away from prying eyes.
macOS Sierra: RAID Support Returns to Disk Utility
Guess what? RAID support is back in Disk Utility in macOS Sierra. You won’t find it in the main interface (see below), but you will find it in the File Menu.
iOS 10: How to Use Your iPhone as a Magnifying Lens
If you really stretch the whole “the best camera is the one you have with you” thing, you can say the same about magnifying lenses, too. Since your iPhone is always with you—hence, the best camera line—why not use it as a magnifying lens, too? That’s exactly what you can do in iOS 10.
iOS 10 Music Player: Where Are the Shuffle and Repeat Buttons?
iOS 10 makes some nice changes to the music player app. Unfortunately, the Repeat and Shuffle buttons no longer appear at the bottom of the Now Playing screen. Where’d they go? It’s easy, and John explains.
How-to Change Haptic Feedback on iPhone 7 Home Button
iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus comes with a buttonless Home Button. It features haptic feedback courtesy of Apple’s Taptic Engine. When you set up a new iPhone 7/Plus, you’re asked to choose between three levels of haptic feedback. You can change this whenever you want. Bryan Chaffin shows you how.
The Big iOS 10 Features That Aren't Available on the iPhone 5 and iPhone 5c
You don’t need to be running the latest and greatest hardware to upgrade to iOS 10, but that doesn’t mean you’ll get all of iOS 10’s great new features, either. Here are some of the big features you’ll miss out on if you’re running an iPhone 5 or 5c, and why you should still upgrade anyway.
New in macOS Sierra: Keep Folders on Top When Sorting by Name in Finder
macOS Sierra finally allows users to keep folders on top when sorting files by name in Finder. Here’s how it works.
Understanding 'Press Home to Open' and 'Press Home to Unlock' in iOS 10
iOS 10 kills the famous “slide to unlock” and introduces a whole new way of accessing your iPhone. Here’s how Raise to Wake, TouchID, and the lock screen all now work, and how you can (mostly) change it back to the old unlock method if you want.