Mail: Using "Erase Deleted Items"

Mail on the Mac is the subject of this Quick Tip, and we’re gonna discuss how to clear out your trash in moments. We’ll also go over setting how long each of your accounts waits before it empties its own trash automatically. That’ll help you keep stuff neat and clean, too!

Avoid Endless Scrolling: How to Quickly Return to the Top of a Page in iOS

Have you ever scrolled all the way to the bottom of a long webpage or list on your iPhone, only to realize that you need to return to the top? You could start rapidly swiping your finger on the screen to scroll back up to the top, or you could use a handy little trick to instantly jump to the beginning. Mac Geek Gab listener Scott provides today’s Quick Tip that every iOS user should know.

OS X: Renaming a Bluetooth Device

If one of your Bluetooth devices (like your Magic Keyboard or Magic Mouse) has a name you aren’t fond of, how do you change it? The process is a bit different than it used to be, so we’re going to go over what you’ll do!

Edit Playlist Columns in iTunes 12.4 and Later

Every update to iTunes seems to refine a useful feature out of the interface, and as I created a new playlist in iTunes this morning I found yet another. All new Playlists are stuck in “Playlist” view, which has a limited selection of columns and no obvious way to customize them. No worries, you can still customize them, you just have to change your View first. We’ll show you how.

Pokémon GO: Can't Catch More Pokémon? Clear Out Your List

My first experience playing Pokémon happened when I installed Pokémon GO on my iPhone, and it didn’t take long before I discovered “gotta catch ’em all” doesn’t mean you have to catch every one you see. I quickly hit my 250 Pokémon storage limit, mostly with Pidgeys, but also found you can offload as many as you like to make room for that Pikachu you really want. Read on to learn how.

iOS: Fixing Color Casts on Pictures

If you’ve never played around with the photo-editing tools available on your iPad or iPhone, you really should check them out! Today’s Quick Tip is about one of the easiest to use. We’ll talk about how you can adjust for unwanted color cast in your images, so you can make ’em cooler and warmer as needed!

Apple Watch: Using Notification Privacy

This Quick Tip is on a nifty feature of the Apple Watch, one that’ll prevent a wrist raise from showing off any recent notifications you’ve gotten. You might spend all day texting with your friends, but no one else needs to know what those conversations are about, do they?

Dropbox: Using Selective Sync

If you use Dropbox, you’ve gotta check out how to use its Selective Sync feature. This’ll let you remove folders from your Mac (but not from Dropbox’s website or any other computers you’re syncing with!), so if you need to reclaim some space on one of your machines, you can easily do so. We’ll give you the scoop in this Quick Tip.

OS X: Create a One-Click Dock Folder Alias

Today’s Quick Tip is about folder shortcuts you can put in the Dock; there’s actually a really easy way to use them to open folders in Finder. Since Melissa Holt’s not the biggest fan of navigating through files from the Dock, she’s going to walk us through this productivity trick!

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